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Written by BLDR TEAM
Updated over a week ago

Administration Imports

Map data from Excel spreadsheets directly to the fields within the BLDR app. Import historical data or update data for existing records in the app. If you have your data in excel or csv format, you can import thousands of records instantly and effectively.

BLDR supports importing data into different modules including Contacts, Organizations, Projects, etc.

This tutorial will walk you through different steps involved in importing records into your BLDR account. The entire process is simple and straightforward.

Importing Data

1. Select Menu > Administration > Import.
2. Select Parent & Child Forms.
3. Select file type.
4. Select import action.
5. Select appropriate labels if different from default.
6. Choose file & click process import.

Import Data Notes

  1.  Mandatory Fields - Make sure your excel or csv file addresses all mandatory fields. For instance, Label and Assigned To are mandatory in most forms. You cannot proceed with importing until or unless you have a value within these fields of your file.

  2.  File Size - Make sure the file to be imported does not exceed 50 MB size

  3.  Permissions - Admin users can disable import access to non-admin users. If you can’t find the Import option, you should contact your Administrator to enable import permission for your profile.

  • File Type - BLDR supports two different file types namely: csv and excel. Select the appropriate value from the File Type drop-down that describes the format of the file you’ve selected in Step:1. For instance, if you’ve uploaded .csv file, select .csv from File Type field.

  • Character Encoding - Make sure you select the right character set in which your import file has been encoded. You’ll need to select right encoding of the file irrespective of the file contents.

  • Delimiter - BLDR supports comma (,) and semicolon(;) as field delimiters. The fields in your .csv file are recognized only if they are separated with delimiters. More often, in a CSV file, fields are separated by commas(,).

  • Header - While importing, the header of your .csv file is compared with fields in BLDR. Having a header makes it easy for you to map fields. The first row of your CSV file is considered as a header.

Duplicate Record Handling
This is an optional step and comes into play if you would enable the checkbox in Step-3 of the import process. This option will help you in tracing out duplicate records. You can also configure the actions to be performed on duplicate records: skip, overwrite and merge. And finally, select desired fields for duplicate lookup by moving fields from the list of Available Fields to Fields to be matched on by using the right and left arrows.

Following actions can be performed on duplicate records
Create Only
- Duplicate records are identified based on Label. If your BLDR and .csv file has records in common, to avoid redundant data, duplicate records in your import file are not imported into BLDR.
Update Only - Duplicate records are identified based on Label. If your BLDR and .csv file has records in common, to avoid redundant data, the records in your import file are imported and will replace the records in BLDR.
Create & Update - Duplicate records are identified based on Label. Create & Update, unlike Create Only and Update Only, checks for duplicate records first and then captures only useful information from your import file and updates it in your BLDR.

Additional Notes

1. Note! If fields are not mapped during Import process, the data will be lost. For example, if you don’t map a field say Address to a BLDR field then that value will be lost.

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