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Form/Field Relationships

Relationships help you to link two different modules and relate records between them.

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Written by BLDR TEAM
Updated over a week ago

An administrator can create custom relationships between Forms and Fields. BLDR is flexible enough to create One-to-One, One-to-Many, Many-to-One, and Many-Many relationships between the forms.


In One-to-One type, the records in module 1 and module 2 are related uniquely. A field gets created in both the modules to represent the related record, i.e., a field representing the related record of module 2 gets created in module 1 and vice versa.

Example, if you want to have one organization per contact, then you can create a one-to-one relationship between contacts and organizations. 


In One-to-Many type, you can relate a record of module 1 (M1) to module 2 (M2) and relate multiple records of M2 to M1. A field gets created in M2 to represent a record of M1. A tab gets created in M1 to which lists the related records of M2 .

For instance, think of M1 as Projects, and M2 as RFI's. A Project can have many RFI's, but a RFI can only be related to one Project.

Projects example, a field that represents a related Project is created in a RFI record and a related tab listing the related RFI's is created within the Projects. 


In Many-to-One type, you can relate multiple records of module 1 (M1) to module 2 (M2) and a single record of M2 to M1. Many-to-One is a reverse process of One-to-Many. A tab gets created in M1 that lists the related records of M2, and a field gets created in M2 that represents the related record of M1.

Example, you can relate many receipt notes to a purchase order. 


In Many-to-Many type, you can relate multiple records of module 1 (M1) to module 2 (M2) and vice versa. A tab gets created in both the modules to list the related records of another module. Example, you can relate many assets to a quote, and many quotes can be related to an asset.

Parent-child relationship between two modules

The field values displayed for a lookup field always depend on the values of the parent field.

Adding a Relationships

Follow the below steps to add a relationship. 

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