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Navigation - Filters
Daniel Wozniak avatar
Written by Daniel Wozniak
Updated over a week ago

Filtering allows users a more advanced way of controlling which records display.

Filtering enables you to display records by specifying filter criteria. Only records that match the criteria are displayed in the list or are included in the grid. If you specify multiple criteria, then only records that match all criteria will be displayed.

Filters and search work together. Filters are applied before search. Therefore if you have a filter applied you can only search through filtered data and only the filtered data will populate the grid view.

Filters Section: This section allows you to setup a single rule or multiple rules on the following fields Label, Assigned To, Supervisor, Status, Created Date, Modified Date.

For example: You could set a filter rule for Status is equal to Scheduled. Then only the records with a Status equal to Scheduled will display the List View and Grid Views.

Let's take a look at each setting and what it means.

Sort By - The List view will be pre-sorted by the selected field. Example: Label in Projects will sort the records based on the Label field.

Sort Order - This is the sort order for the Sort By field. Either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

View Type - Either List or Grid. This is where you select the default view for the form type. List will always display the list view & Grid will always display the Grid view.

Grid Limit - This is to limit the number of rows that gets loaded into the Grid from the database. Limits are designed to increase grid performance on low power and mobile devices. We recommend loading less rows for faster performance. For example: Maybe you only need to load the last 5,000 Projects then you would set the limit to 5K but if you need to view everything you would set it to 1M which would show you the last million. By default, if no limits are set, BLDR will display the last 500 records. BLDR supports the following limit options: 1K, 5K, 10K, 20K, 1M. The K stands for thousand and M stands for million.

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